Lights Out
The lights have gone out, and with only enough light to quickly scan the room, it's going to be hard to escape this place.
Lights out is a 2D platformer spanning over 20 levels featuring an unique twist, you can’t see the platforms. The game was made solely by myself over 2 days.
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Lights out was created as part of the Brackeys Game Jam 2018, the theme of the jam was ‘Light’. With Lights Out I wanted to create a unique twist on a traditional genre, I had also never worked on a 2D platformer before so it was a good chance to learn new things.
Genre: 2D Platformer
Core Player Experience: 2D platforming action with an unique twist
Type: Independent Project
Role: Designer and Programmer.
Engine: Unity [C#]
Platforms: Web
Development Time : 2 Days
20 Levels
Unique Twist on a Traditional Genre
3 Square Rating System for replayability.